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Department of Anesthesiology Department of Anesthesiology

Perioperative Management Fellowship

An experience unlike any other

With the changing face of healthcare, it is imperative that we have leaders with experience in both medicine and management. This program is for individuals with an interest in gaining practical knowledge of practice management principles and the advancement of perioperative medicine.

With the opening of our new hospital and outpatient surgery center, and plans for continued expansion, the fellow will have a unique opportunity to be involved in creating new policies, experience how different management problems are handled and take part in a plethora of clinical and management projects

Core Fellowship Structure

One year-long, non-ACGME accredited program.

  • Clinical Duties
    • Clinical work in the OR at least one day a week as an attending
  • Fellowship duties (Monthly Rotations)
    • OR Management (4 months): manage OR scheduling & assist with managing the PACU and outside-of-OR anesthesia locations
    • Manage Anesthesia Preparedness Clinic (4 months): work in clinic to help optimize and prepare patients for surgery; help outpatient surgery center with screening patients
    • Management of other Specialties (3 months): work with regional anesthesia service to perform blocks, and work with regional director to improve their workflows.
    • Elective (1month)-time dedicated to pursue individual interests and projects with the help and support of department staff
    • Executive Rotation-meet with the department Chair bi-annually and attend executive meetings throughout the year
  • Academic Duties
    • Participation in a perioperative management project that aligns with your interests. (Present this project at a national meeting )
    • Attend a national meeting concentrating on perioperative medicine
    • Monthly seminar with physician managers to hear their story/career path
    • Lead perioperative management journal clubs
    • Have the opportunity to interact with perioperative leaders from other institutions
  • 4 weeks vacation

Partnership with Rady Business School*

  • Participate in their unique micro MBA and mini MBA programs in the summer and fall
  • Take focused courses/seminars and earn a certificate in the spring
  • Create lifelong business contacts
  • Gain an alternate perspective on how business is done in other industries
  • Bring your ideas and learnings back to medicine

*This program does not require exams/tests. However you may be asked to write a paper or participate in presentations


Current Fellow(s)

  • Iris Chu MD (Weill Cornell Medicine)
  • John Pham MD (University of Colorado Denver)

Former Fellow(s)

  • Vinod K. Singaram, MD (U. of California, San Diego)
  • Megan Meyer MD (U. of California, San Diego)

Perioperative Directors

Megan Meyer MD
Director, Fellowship of Perioperative Management, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology

Rodney Gabriel MD/M.A.S
Division Chief Regional Anesthesia, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Medical school: U.C. San Francisco
Residency: Brigham and Women's Hospital
Fellowship: U.C. San Diego
Specialty: Regional Anesthesia and Biomedical informatics

Ulrich Schmidt MD/PhD/MBA
Director Perioperative Medicine, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology
Medical school: University of Munich
Residency: Massachusetts General Hospital
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital
Specialty: Critical Care Medicine

Ruth Waterman MD
Department Chair, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Application Process

For those interested in partaking in this exciting and novel opportunity, submit the following materials to our fellowship coordinator:

  • Cover Letter
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of USMLE scores
  • Copy of ITE scores
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Personal Statement

Fellowship Contact Information

Ileana Ramirez, Fellowship Coordinator
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, UC San Diego
200 West Arbor Drive, Mail Code 8770
San Diego, CA 92103-8770

Phone: 858-246-1758
Fax: 619-543-6162

Note to prospective applicants about the UC COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

UC San Diego and San Diego County Health policies mandate that all healthcare workers be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations or have an exemption for medical or religious reasons (subject to review and approval). In addition, UC San Diego's major affiliates have similar expectations.